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Wednesday 19 March (1100 - 1715)

Wednesday 19 March (1230 - 1445)

Wednesday 19 March (1445 - 1450)

Wednesday 19 March (1450 - 1500)

Wednesday 19 March (1500 - 1510)

Wednesday 19 March (1510 - 1540)

Wednesday 19 March (1540 - 1555)

Wednesday 19 March (1555 - 1700)

Session details

In Latin America regulatory changes are often influenced by political uncertainty, social movements, economic circumstances and international influence. This session will analyse how the lack of stability can affect investment and growth in the region.

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Wednesday 19 March (1700 - 1715)

Wednesday 19 March (1715 - 1830)

Session details

This session will cover real world horror stories from Latin America, how ransomware significantly impacts companies and how counsel should prepare to advise clients, prevent risks and manage the horror story when it happens (and it will happen!).

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Wednesday 19 March (1715 - 1830)

Session details

Breakout session two – ESG: Myth or reality?

Doing business based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria has now spread worldwide, but ESG can mean different things to different people. This has created scepticism and even raised the notion that it could be nothing more than a marketing strategy. Despite consensus on the importance of ESG values in business, the lack of specific regulation can affect the commitment of investors to apply them.

Latin America is not alien to this discussion, having in many cases followed the experience of multinational companies and international rating organisations to standardise the collection and reporting of ESG’s impact. This session will analyse the criticism of ESG, the impact of ESG values in Latin America and the influence of international regulations, particularly European rules. We will discuss the trends in ESG in the future and the goals and challenges facing them.


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Wednesday 19 March (1845 - 2045)

Thursday 20 March (0800 - 1400)

Thursday 20 March (0815 - 1000)

Session details

This breakfast is free to attend. All conference registered delegates are invited.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 20 March (1000 - 1015)

Thursday 20 March (1015 - 1130)

Session details

As we look towards 2030, key trends are emerging that lawyers must understand to remain competitive in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market. This session will focus on the most significant and specific trends likely to shape the M&A landscape in the coming years. The conversation will centre on two critical areas:

  • Technological innovation and digitalisation in M&A: how artificial intelligence, automation and digital platforms are revolutionising due diligence and negotiations
  • The impact of new regulations and geopolitical factors: a focus on emerging markets and anticipated regulatory changes leading up to 2030

The goal is to provide attendees with clear, actionable insights into how these trends will influence the evolution of the M&A market, fostering a focused discussion on leveraging opportunities and mitigating risks in this dynamic environment.

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Thursday 20 March (1016 - 1130)

Session details

This session will explore the dynamic and high-stakes world of compliance in Latin America. The companies and individuals who operate in the region face ongoing scrutiny and pressure from traditional outsiders (eg, the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), European prosecutors, etc) and the application of their toolset to doing business in the region. However, trends are emerging with regards to local authorities becoming increasingly vigilant, the market being much more sensitive to compliance issues and harsh penalties being introduced and regularly enforced. The pressure to adhere to high standards is consequently mounting.

Navigating the booming compliance landscape in Latin America requires high levels of concentration and dynamic counsel, as it often involves untested regulations, ambiguity and unknown risks. This session will delve into these issues and help you navigate this exciting but uncharted territory.

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Thursday 20 March (1017 - 1130)

Session details

As the world shifts towards cleaner energy sources, the oil and gas industry faces significant challenges in adapting to energy transition. This session will explore the regulatory and infrastructure hurdles that arise as oil and gas companies navigate the evolving energy landscape. Key topics will include the impact of climate change policies, investment in renewable infrastructure, regulatory implementation for new technologies and strategies to balancing traditional oil and gas operations with sustainable energy initiatives. We will discuss how a smoother transition can be supported while addressing the complexities of energy infrastructure development.

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Thursday 20 March (1130 - 1145)

Thursday 20 March (1145 - 1300)

Session details

Private equity is at the forefront of shaping industries, driving innovation and creating value. This session will explore the future landscape of private equity, examining key trends such as the growing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG), the impact of digital transformation and shifting investment strategies in response to global economic pressures. We will evaluate positive and negative experiences of private equity funds in Latin America, identifying successful practices and challenges faced, as well as how private equity firms are adapting to an increasingly competitive market, the rise of alternative assets and the evolving relationship between private equity and public markets.

Attendees will gain insights into how private equity will continue to reshape industries and influence corporate strategies in the coming years, in addition to how counsel can improve legal and contractual structures to mitigate risks and optimise operational efficiency.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

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