Brexit: UK assesses implications after failing to accede to Lugano Convention
Lucy Trevelyan Monday 8 November 2021
In late June, the European Commission formally blocked the UK’s accession to the Lugano Convention via a communication to the Swiss Federal Council, in its role as Depositary of the Convention.
The Lugano Convention would have offered a similar framework to the Brussels Regulation (recast), which ceased to apply in the UK post-Brexit. Both ensure that parties’ contractual choice of jurisdiction is enforced and that judgments from member states’ courts are enforceable across the EU.
Commercial parties engaging in UK-EU litigation will now have to navigate the requirements of different national regimes on jurisdictional and cross-border enforcement issues. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements offers some protection to exclusive jurisdiction clauses, though not to any other kind of jurisdiction clauses.
Whether the Hague Convention applies to contracts entered into before 1 January 2021, when the UK rejoined independently of the EU, is also uncertain.
The European Commission’s statement that it was ‘not in a position’ to give its consent to the UK’s accession was disappointing, says Elizabeth Williams, a partner at Simmons & Simmons in London. ‘The door is not yet shut on Lugano, although it seems that any chances of accession in the short term are slim to say the least.’
Practical problems caused by the UK’s rejection from the Lugano Convention will be added time and expense, and increased scope for error, says Lucinda Orr, Chair of the IBA Young Litigators Forum and a partner at Enyo Law in London. ‘It will very much be a piecemeal approach. Given that jurisdictional and cross-border enforcement issues in UK-EU litigation [are] now going to be much more complex – lawyers will be busier.’
Previously, if a defendant preferred to defend a claim in the UK, but was sued in an EU or Lugano state, it was reasonably certain the foreign court could be convinced to decline jurisdiction in favour of the UK, says Leigh Crestohl, a partner at Zaiwalla & Co in London.
‘Now, in the absence of any international obligations on foreign courts to decline jurisdiction in favour of the UK, UK parties litigating on the continent will be subject to the domestic private international law rules of the foreign court, as applied to any other third country’, he explains.
‘The delay and additional legal costs occasioned by satellite disputes over jurisdiction will be a significant risk to which parties in the remaining EU member states are now exposed when sued in England or, for that matter, suing a defendant in England that may have a compelling argument in favour of another forum’, adds Crestohl.