IBA Annual Conference Scholarships
Each year the International Bar Association (IBA), the world's largest international organisation of law societies, bar associations and individual lawyers engaged in transnational law, holds an Annual Conference, which attracts the participation of some 6000 lawyers from more than 100 jurisdictions. The IBA's Legal Practice Division (LPD), Section of Public and Professional Interest Division (SPPI) present informative and engaging sessions covering current topics of significance to lawyers throughout the world.
Applications for the 2025 Annual Conference Scholarship programme have now opened.
If you have any questions, please contact divisions@int-bar.org
Applications must be received before the deadline of midnight British Summer Time (BST) on Sunday 18 May 2025
Young Lawyer Scholarships
The Annual Conference working sessions are complemented by a full social programme which provides the opportunity for delegates to meet, establish and maintain business contacts and friendships with peers of the legal profession worldwide.
Scholarships are awarded to young lawyers who wish to participate at the Annual Conference, but may find it financially difficult to do so.
These Scholarship opportunities are available to those who meet the following criteria:
- 'Young Lawyer’ is defined as any lawyer up to and including the age of 35 at the time of the Conference.
- Applicants must either be:
- a fully qualified lawyer who is licensed/registered to practice as a lawyer with the relevant professional regulatory body; or
- undertaking the qualification process (education and/or vocational) to pass the bar (or the equivalent qualification in the relevant jurisdiction) to become fully qualified, providing they hold a temporary or permanent licence to practice as a trainee, or are undertaking a training scheme that is recognised by the professional regulatory body.
- IBA membership is not a requirement to submit application
- Employees of the IBA, officers of any IBA entity and relatives of the above are excluded from the competition.
- Previous winners of any LPD/SPPI Conference Scholarships are also excluded from the competition. All other applicants from previous years may reapply.
- Each participant may apply for one Scholarship in a calendar year.
*Select scholarships may have additional criteria
Annual Conference Scholarships
The Annual Conference Scholarship award includes the following:
- waived registration for the IBA Annual Conference;
- accommodation while attending the conference;
- contribution towards travel costs to attend the conference;
- two years' free membership of the IBA; and
- a waiver of either the following years' IBA Annual Conference registration fee or a waived registration fee to attend a speciality conference organised by the IBA.
2025 Annual Conference Scholarship Listing
Academic and Professional Development Committee
Essay topic: With the rise of AI, increasing restrictions on freedom of expression through the suppression of the rule of law in many states, and shifting global communication patterns, how can the academic and legal education community empower law students to develop a critical voice and actively challenge the evolution of legislation and legal principles?
Produce a plan for an event and/or further research exercise on this question which the APDC could consider for a future project.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee
Essay topic: Democracy in Crisis: what is the role of access to Justice?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee
Applicants should submit a project proposal for the Committee (see requirements below – this is not the same as the essay requirements).
Project proposal requirements:
- Typed in English
- Double line spaced
- 1000 words maximum. This does not include footnotes or the bibliography.
- Microsoft Word File
We would recommend that applicants review the ANBLS session topics and speakers for both the IBA Annual Meeting in Mexico City and the IBA Annual Meeting in Paris as well as the webinars offered in 2024 for a sense of the range of ideas.
Propose a webinar based on one of these topics:
- Law Firm Mergers – New Perspectives, Cross-Border and Multidisciplinary Complications and Solutions
With major international law firm mergers dominating the headlines, questions continue to arise in both the business and regulatory space. What are the benefits of integration vs alliance? How do firms address regulatory issues where one jurisdiction permits alternative business structures and others don't? Are there regional or international trends emerging? This panel will explore "what to think of when thinking of a law firm merger" in light of these challenges. - Lawyering Inside and Outside the "Sandbox": Canadian and International Trends>
As regulators in various jurisdictions continue to grapple with how and whether alternative business structures for delivery of legal services should be permitted, one solution in three Canadian provinces and one US state (so far) has been a form of pilot project, or "sandbox". A Sandbox provides a limited exemption from the ordinary prohibitions on non-lawyer ownership and delivery but is it a solution? Is private equity investment an option, even with guardrails? Do ethical rules serve to protect the guild or consumers? This panel will explore the business and regulatory aspects of North American and other experiments and how they might impact integration and engagement of firms internationally. - Integrating Carbon Credit Markets into Legal Practice: A multidisciplinary approach?
As efforts to combat climate change intensify, businesses across the globe are increasingly under pressure to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. International agreements and regulatory frameworks mandating or encouraging carbon reduction strategies present challenges for clients and significant opportunities for law firms ready to guide companies through the complex web of rules and regulations. What is the potential for law firms to expand their environmental law practice through advising and facilitating transactions in the carbon credits market? How should multidisciplinary advisory teams (biodiversity, fintech and others) be deployed? What is the future for carbon credit exchanges? This panel will address these and many other topical issues arising from a challenging environmental issue facing the legal practice.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Antitrust Section – Michael Reynolds Scholarship
Essay topic: Cartels: to file or not for leniency
With more vigorous enforcement at least in some parts of the world, what are the considerations for disclosing cartel conduct to regulators and filing for leniency?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Arab Regional Forum
Essay topic: Golden Visas in the Gulf Region and its impact on Arab emigration to the western world
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Asia Pacific Regional Forum
Essay topic: As AI is revolutionizing production processes across various industries, there are hopes that AI will bring unprecedented progress to solving human problems, including in the fields of healthcare, agriculture, mobility and sustainability. In this context, please elaborate on how generative AI can be applied to address the critical issues within the Asia Pacific, while also examining the potential risks concerns tied to such applications.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
(Business Human Rights Committee, Closely Held Companies Committee, Corporate and M&A Law Committee)
Essay topic: How will participating in the IBA conference benefit your corporate practice and future career, and what contributions do you believe you can make to the IBA and its efforts to engage younger corporate law professionals?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Criminal Law Committee
Essay topic: The year 2024 saw a shift in many countries toward more nationalistic and isolationist leaders. How will this affect international corporate criminal enforcement?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
(Arbitration Committee, Class Actions Committee, Litigation Committee, Mediation Committee, Negligence and Damages Committee
Essay topic: The (controversial) role of experts in dispute resolution. What should be the role of experts in dispute resolution? Is the criticism justified, for example regarding (i) independence and impartiality of experts, (ii) lack of a clear regulatory framework applicable to party-appointed experts, (iii) expert reports as too long/complex or (iv) lack of coordination between party-appointed experts (ships passing in the night)? What are the latest trends in your jurisdictions to improve corresponding weaknesses?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
European Regional Forum
Essay topics:
1. Revitalizing Europe's Venture Capital Landscape: Strategies for Global Competitiveness
Explore how Europe can enhance its venture capital ecosystem to compete with other global markets. Discuss policy changes, investment incentives, trends, and innovation hubs that could drive growth and make Europe a leading destination for venture capital.
2. The Role of Pan-European Harmonization in Maturing the Venture Capital Market
Analyse the impact of harmonizing regulations and policies across European countries on the venture capital market. Highlight the benefits of a unified market, such as increased cross-border investments, reduced administrative burdens, harmonisation of corporate/tax laws and standardisation of contractual models, and in general a more attractive environment for startups and investors.
3. How to make Europe great again: Attracting Global Venture Capital
Investigate the importance of creating a compelling success story for Europe to attract significant venture capital from around the world. In which sectors can Europe play a leading role and how can (de)regulation support this? Discuss the role of successful startups, innovative technologies, and supportive ecosystems in building a narrative that draws in large-scale investments.
4. One Year AI Act
Is the European Union’s AI Act a bureaucratic monster that hinders innovation or a modern legal framework that can serve as a model for other jurisdiction and protect civil liberties?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Human Rights Law Committee
Essay topic: Discuss the impact of current global trends, such as artificial intelligence, climate change, migration, the emergence of inter-state conflict and the displacement of civilian populations, on the protection and promotion of human rights. In your analysis, identify both challenges and opportunities, providing specific examples to illustrate your arguments.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Insolvency Section
Essay topic: Forum shopping in insolvency proceedings: Should COMI still be the rule?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Intellectual Property, Communications, and Technology Section
Essay topic: Aiming at finding the right balance between freedom and duty of care, how can digital platforms and AI models get more accountable?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
(International Commerce and Distribution Committee, International Franchising Committee, International Trade and Customs Law Committee, Product Law and Advertising Committee)
Essay topic: 2026 - Bilateral or Multilateral Investment Treaties?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Healthcare and Life Sciences Committee
Essay topic: Please explore national security issues, such as biosecurity and supply chain impacts, related to the life science and healthcare sectors
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Judges' Forum
Essay topic: Stand down: When should Judges and Arbitrators recuse themselves?
Judges and arbitrators must be, and be seen to be, independent. What does this mean in practice? Are the rules the same for judges and arbitrators?
Complex ethical and other issues may need to be considered to determine when adjudicators must disqualify themselves (or be disqualified) in particular cases. These include the tests for actual and ostensible bias, and associated issues concerning social, financial, family and political connections.
Judges, arbitrators and advocates will debate these issues and the pitfalls from the perspectives of their different roles and jurisdictions.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Latin American Regional Forum
Essay topic: The role of lawyers in society: the law as a tool of transformation in Latin America
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Leisure Industries Section
Essay topic:
On 21 December 2023, the Grand Chamber of the EU Court of Justice delivered three landmark judgments addressing the intersection of sport and EU law: European Superleague (C-333/21), ISU (C-124/21 P), and Royal Antwerp (C-680/21). These were followed by another significant ruling on 4 October 2024 in the Diarra case (C-650/22). These rulings build upon previously established case law at the crossroads between sports and EU law, specifically concerning antitrust law.
These judgments have implications that reach far beyond the world of sports, offering key clarifications and, in some instances, innovations in EU law. Notable developments include the interpretation of Article 165 TFEU (specific nature of sport), the understanding of restrictions on competition by "object" and "effect" under Article 101(1) TFEU, the application of Article 102 TFEU concerning abuse of dominant position, and insights into the relevance of exclusive and special rights under Article 106 TFEU for Article 102 TFEU. The judgments also shed light on the scope of the "Wouters" and "Meca-Medina" case law.
These rulings present a rich opportunity for analysis. They also offer valuable insights and can serve as a basis for evaluating other jurisdictions' approach to Sport Law.
The scholarship applicant must submit an essay addressing the issues raised by these judgments and their broader implications in EU law or similar issues encountered in other jurisdictions.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
LGBTQI+ Law Committee
Essay topic: Please write an essay based on our Toronto Session topic, LGBTQI+ Issues and Public Interest Litigation: Two Sides of the Coin. This session will be an exploration of public interest litigation in advancing LGBTQI+ rights and attempts by entities to use litigation to suppress DEI initiatives.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Poverty and Social Development Committee
Essay topic: The Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Hunger: The Challenge for the Global Legal Profession
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Private Client Tax Committee
Essay topic: Navigating the Next Generation: Skills, Challenges, and Strategies for Advising Gen Z on Taxes, Wealth Structures, and Intergenerational Growth
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Professional Ethics Committee
Essay topic: How law firms can or should spread professional ethics?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Rule of Law Forum
Applicants will be asked to prepare a concept for a webinar or workshop in the area of: Equality Before the Law. This response should include an outline to a potential project that the Rule of Law Committee could run virtually using volunteers. The project should also be one that all bar and law societies can contribute to regardless of their size or resources. This submission should not exceed 750 words.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Senior Lawyers’ Committee
Essay topic: What is it that junior lawyers should expect from their senior colleagues?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Taxes Committee
Essay topics:
Topic 1
The Medium is the Message: Non-Judicial Avenues for Settling Disputes and Obtaining Certainty
In the increasingly global business world, ways to address tax disputes are expanding beyond traditional judicial proceedings. Imagine you are advising a hypothetical client that is a foreign taxpayer (e.g., a foreign investor or multinational business group) with a domestic investment or operation [or a domestic taxpayer with outbound investment or operation].
Please describe and discuss alternative means of settling disputes with tax authorities that are available in your jurisdiction or that you observe concerning domestic taxpayers in other jurisdictions -- whether before issuance of an assessment or via non-judicial proceedings including ICAP (International Compliance Assurance Programme), MAP (Mutual Agreement Procedure), or various treaty arbitration procedures (tax, bilateral investment or other). You may discuss pros and cons of one or more proceedings, compare it/them with traditional judicial proceedings (while staying focused on alternative dispute settlement mechanisms), recent trends in your jurisdiction or region, which could be most advisable or noteworthy points in specific situations.
Topic 2
Meta-morphosis: The evolution of arrangements relating to intangibles in a digitized world
With digital economy becoming a mainstream market place and IPs constituting valuable assets for corporations, tax aspects of intangibles are hot topics and are constantly evolving with the evolution of the IT industry. In your essay, please discuss what you consider topical or noteworthy for international audience in this area.
Topics may include (but not limited to) characterization of fee payments (royalties, service fees, access fees or other), source of income rules, implications from a transfer pricing (including OECD Inclusive Framework’s recent discourse on Amount B), digital services tax, withholding tax, beneficial ownership and treaty interpretation perspective.
One way to make your essay stand out would be expressing your own candid interpretation or original perspective on the trend or topic in the course of your discussion.
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Young Lawyers' Committee
Essay topic: What does democracy and politics mean to you from a legal perspective, and the impact of them over the rule of law?
- Essay Submission
- The deadline is midnight British Summer Time (BST) on 18 May 2025.
Past Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Annual Conference
- Academic and Professional Development Committee - Shivani Misra, United Kingdom (origin India)
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee - Muskan Narang, India
- African Regional Forum - Awotula Damilola, Canada
- Anti-trust Section - Laura Torrado, Colombia
- Asia Pacific Regional Forum - Kurrisha Aberdeen, Trinidad and Tobago
- Corporate Law Section - Lisseth Stephany Armijos Romero, Ecuador
- Criminal Law Section - Mohamed Awadelkarim, United Arab Emirites
- Dispute Resolution Section - Elmina Marriott, United Kingdom
- European Regional Forum - Gianfranco Duretto, Italy
- Human Rights Committee - Sankalp Shanker Srivastava, India
- Healthcare and Life Sciences Committee - Dovydas Gudziunas, Lithuania
- Insolvency Section - Raghav Mittal, India
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Tanisha Khanna, India
- International Commerce, Trade, Franchising and Product Law Section - Vanya Chaturvedi, India
- Latin American Regional Forum - Isabella de la Guardia, Panama
- LGBTQI+ Law Committee - Maestre Scherezade, United Kingdom
- North American Regional Forum - Ariel Rawls, United States
- Poverty and Social Development Committee - Cristina García Bermejo, Spain
- Private Client Tax Committee - Elikem Benson, Ghana
- Pro Bono Committee - Valentina Pawlow, Argentina
- Professional Ethics Committee and the Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee - Saranya Mishra , India
- Real Estate Section - Maria Maya, Colombia
- Rule of Law Forum - Lola Garnier, Italy
- Senior Lawyers' Committe - Oindrila Mukherjee, India
- Taxes Committee - Michael Chun Shin Fork, Malaysia
- Young Lawyers' Committee - Aniruddha Majumdar, India
Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Annual Conference
- Academic and Professional Development Committee - Lucia Rosso, Uruguay
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee - Anusha Rao, India
- African Regional Forum - Ikechukwu Ugwu, Nigeria
- Agriculture and Food Section - Esther Addai, Ghana
- Asia Pacific Forum - Kuruvila M Jacob, India
- Corporate Law Section - Puneet Mishra, New Delhi, India
- Criminal Law Section - Chang Liu, China
- Dispute Resolution Section - Ruth Keating, United Kingdom
- Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law (SEERIL) Section - Aldo Isaac Sainz López, Netherlands
- European Regional Forum - Renato Guerrieri, Uruguay
- Insolvency Section - Maithili Moondra, India
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Rebecca Keating, United Kingdom
- International Commerce, Trade, Franchising and Product Law Section - Betty Vo, Canada
- Latin American Regional Forum - Jennifer Sales, Panama
- Law and Individual Rights Section - Prashant Daga , India
- Law Firm Management Committee - Sokunvannary Tep, Cambodia
- LGBTQI+ Law Committee - Filip Rak, Poland
- Maritime and Transport Law Committee - Gauri Prabhakar, Australia
- North American Regional Forum - Camila Mariotto Ferreira, Brazil
- Poverty and Social Development Committee - Christiana Essie Sagay, Canada
- Private Client Tax Committee - Maame Adwoa Dufie Adu-Gyamfi, Ghana
- Pro Bono Committee - Annette Herrera, El Salvador
- Professional Ethics Committee and the Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee - Esperanza Franco , Spain
- Real Estate Section - Ratana Nem, Cambodia
- Rule of Law Forum - Fathima Ajra Mohamed Azhar, Sri Lanka
- Taxes Committee - Sneh Shah, India
- Young Lawyers' Committee - Abeer Sharma, Hong Kong
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Annual Conference
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee - Louise Grosos, France
- Antitrust Section - Julia Carneiro, Brazil
- Asia Pacific Regional Forum - Utsav Mitra, India
- Corporate Law Section - Alexander Batsis, Australia
- Criminal Law Section - Omolola Aye, Nigeria
- Dispute Resolution Section - Mayuri Tiwari, India
- Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law (SEERIL) Section - Nelson Iheanacho, Nigeria
- European Regional Forum - Ana-Mari Eremieva, Bulgaria
- Insolvency Section - Hasan Mohammad, Australia
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Yoo Jung Hur , Republic of Korea
- International Commerce, Trade, Franchising and Product Law Section - Andrii Kaftanov, Ukraine
- Law Firm Management Committee - Shreya Vajpei , India
- Poverty and Social Development Committee - Patricia Fita Rios, Spain
- Professional Ethics Committee - Punjabi Meghna , India
- Real Estate Section - Ipshita Bhuwania, India
- Taxes Committee - Rogerio Abdala Bittencourt, Brazil
Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 Conference Seoul Scholarship programme
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee - Paul Tamburro, Australia
- African Regional Forum - Nnadozie Ewelike, Nigeria
- Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee and Professional Ethics Committee - Sean Colenso-Semple, the Netherlands
- Asia Pacific Regional Forum - Gul Beste Sabaz, South Korea
- Corporate Law Section- Luciana Liefeldt, Argentina
- Criminal Law Section - Vaibhav Kumar, India
- Dispute Resolution Section – Ritvik Kulkarni, India
- European Regional Forum - Trayan Targov, Bulgaria
- Financial Services Section - Tanish Gupta, India
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Inika Charles, India
- International Sales, Franchising and Product Law Section - Quentin Vander Schueren, Canada
- Law Firm Management Committee - Wangoko Njoroge, Kenya
- Michael Priory Insolvency Section - Myles Bayliss, Australia
- North American Regional Forum - Tom Hvala, Australia
- Poverty and Social Development Committee - Varun Mansinghka, India
- Private Client Tax Committee - Martin La Rosa, Peru
- Pro-Bono Committee - María Victoria Garabato, Uruguay
- Real Estate Section - Vikrant Shetty, India
- Regulation of Lawyers Compliance Committee - Durojaiye Olasubomi, Nigeria
- Rule of Law Forum - Jori Bregasi, Albania
- Taxes Committee - Lucia Millán Serrano, Spain
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Conference Rome Scholarship programme
- Academic and Professional Development Committee - Pamela Towela Sambo, Zambia
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee - Muhammad Awwal Danlami, Nigeria
- African Regional Forum and Law Firm Management Committee - Isaac Aburam Lartey, Ghana
- Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee and Professional Ethics Committee - Blanco Alberto, Spain
- Antitrust and Trade Law Committee - Alice Bradshaw, Australia
- Asia Pacific Regional Forum - Ishita Khare, India
- Aviation Law Committee - María Calleri, Argentina
- Corporate Law - Abhishek Dubey, India
- Criminal Law Section - Mariam Adebambo, Nigeria
- Dispute Resolution Section - Nathan Eastwood, Australia
- European Regional Forum - Markus Beham, Austria
- Financial Services Section - Rosa Jacqueline Escobar Rodas, Peru
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Shivani Vij, India
- International Sales, Franchising and Product Law Section - Andres Castiglioni, Uruguay
- Leisure Industries Section - Bhavana Sunder, India
- Human Rights Law Committee and LGBTI Law Committee - Dorji Wangmo, Bhutan
- North American Regional Forum - Aditya Deolekar, India
- Private Client Tax Committee - Tsatsraltuya Sandag, Mongolia
- Real Estate Section - Rodrigo Zaldivar, Peru
- Regulation of Lawyers Compliance Committee - Kamla Braithwaite, Trinidad
- Rule of Law Forum - Hugh Alexander Tsun-Ting Kam, China
- Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law Section - Aniket Singhania, India
- Taxes Committee - Meyyappan Nagappan, India
Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 Annual Conference Sydney Scholarship programme
- Academic and Professional Development Committee - Kinley Gyeltshen, Bhutan
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee - Precious-Rhoda Edwei Akpabey, Ghana
- African Regional Forum - Titilayo Ajayi, Nigeria
- Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee - Derya Durlu Gürzumar, Turkey
- Antitrust and Trade Law Section - Lauren Battaglia, USA
- Asia Pacific Regional Forum - Elena Kim, New Zealand
- Aviation Law Committee - Mansi Singh, India
- Criminal Law Section - Paloma Blazquez, Spain
- Dispute Resolution Section - Eva Litina, Greece
- Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law (SEERIL) Section - Meghna Chandra, UK
- European Regional Forum - Verena Wieditz, France
- Family Law Committee - Mark Ablett, UK
- Financial Services Section - Aldo Turella, Italy
- Individual Tax and Private Client Committee - Venetia Argyropoulou, Cyprus
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Nazli Cansin Karga Giritli, UK
- International Sales, Franchising and Product Law Section - Calvin Leung, Canada
- Law Firm Management Committee - Chidera Igweagu, Nigeria
- Leisure Industries Section - Probal Bose, India
- Michael Prior Scholarship (Insolvency Section) - Fabio Weinberg Crocco, USA
- North American Regional Forum - Juan Pablo Hugues Arthur, Mexico
- Professional Ethics Committee - Aditi Rani, India
- Real Estate Section - Zuzanna Wencel-Czuryszkiewicz, Poland
- Taxes Committee - Julie Abdalla, Australia
Congratulations to the winners of the 2016 Annual Conference Washington Scholarship programme
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee - Shafaq Asmat, Pakistan
- Alternative Business Structures Committee - Isobelle Watts, Australia
- Antitrust and Trade Law Section - Emilio Vazquez, Mexico
- Aviation Law Committee - Roberta Verdesca, Italy
- Corporate Law Section - Victoriia Dobrynska, Ukraine
- Criminal Law Section - Pavlo Bespalov, Ukraine
- Dispute Resolution Section - Karina Travaglione, Australia
- European Regional Forum - John Morgan, Scotland
- Family Law Committee - Mabel Tembo-Chakoleka, Zambia
- Financial Services Section - Cynthia Onyinyechi Igodo, Nigeria
- Human Rights Law Committee - Freya Dinshaw, Australia
- Individual Tax and Private Client Committee - Helen Citron, England
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Zehra Betul Ayranci, Turkey
- Law Firm Management Committee - Evans Moyo, Zimbabwe
- Maritime and Transport Law Committee - Carmel Proudfoot, Australia
Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 Annual Conference Vienna Scholarship programme
- Antitrust and Trade Law Section - Thiago Nascimento dos Reis, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Aviation Law - Juan Manuel Estrada, Mexico City, Mexico
- Corporate Law Section - Malaveeka Chakravarthy, Bangalore, India
- Criminal Law Section - Nahid Rabbi, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Dispute Resolution Section - Courtney Furner, Mendoza, Argentina
- Energy, Environment, Natural Resources an Infrastructure Law Section (SEERIL) - Saelese Haynes, Mt. Lambert, Trinidad
- European Regional Forum - Antonio Modola, S. Giorgio La Molara, Italy
- Financial Services Section - Kefa Nsubuga, Kampala, Uganda
- Individual Tax and Private Client Committee - Jorge Liendo, Lima, Peru
- Insolvency Section - Natalia Anokhina, Lviv, Ukraine
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Alyssa Cervantes, Brussels, Belgium (origin: USA)
- Law Firm Management Committee: East African Law Society - Isaiah Munje, Nairobi, Kenya
- Law Firm Management Committee: South African Development Community Lawyers Association - Doreen Vimbai Gapare, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Magna Carta, Student - Gavin Dingley, Hartlepool, United Kingdom
- Magna Carta, Young Lawyer - Nkiruka Maduekwe, London, United Kingdom (origin: Nigeria)
- Real Estate Section - Pavlina Ivanova, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Taxation Section - Pim Duteweert, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Congratulations to the past winners of the 2014 Annual Conference Tokyo Scholarship programme
- Antitrust and Trade Law Section - Benjamin Guelfi, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Asia Pacific Regional Forum - Isabel Chun-Yee Tam, Hong Kong
- Asia Pacific Regional Forum - Katherine Jonckheere, Singapore
- Corporate Law Section - Leticia Sophia Goni Fraquelli, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Corporate Law Section - Lucan Braun, San Paulo, Brazil
- Criminal Law Section - Lloyd Nicholas Vergara, Manila, Philippines
- Dispute Resolution Section - Wanjiru Ngige, Kikuyu, Kenya
- Energy, Environment, Natural Resources an Infrastructure Law Section (SEERIL) - Tessa D'Abbs, Melbourne, Australia
- Financial Services Section - Ekaterina Galkova, Moscow, Russian Federation
- Individual Tax and Private Client Committee - Julia Jonas, Austin, Texas, USA
- Insolvency Section - Matti Lemmens
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Omolola Abaje-Williams, London, England
- International Sales Committee - Kaustbh Sinah, Noida, India
- Leisure Industries Section - Zachary Bastian, Washington DC, USA
- Maritime and Transport Law Committee - Jose Augusto Dias de Castro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Real Estate Section - Volodymyr Grabchak, Kiev, Ukraine
- Taxes Committee - Sebastian Lopez Nieto, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Congratulations to the past winners of the IBA 2013 Annual Conference Boston Scholarship programme
- Antitrust and Trade Law Section - Surbhi Mehta
- Aviation Law Committee - Amanda Foong Teoh
- Corporate Law Section - Malou Martinsson
- Criminal Law Section - Sheree Rubinstein
- Dispute Resolution Section - Carolina Secondo
- Financial Services Section - Nusula Nassuna
- Human Resources Section - Abayomi Okubote
- Individual Tax and Private Client Committee - Helena Slawinska
- Insolvency Section - Samantha Rothman
- Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Law Section - Ruwanai Dantanarayana
- International Sales, Franchising and Product Law Section - Dustin Combs
- Leisure Industries Section - Joasia Luzak
- Real Estate Section - Yuriy Datskiv
- SEERIL Section - Nabutola Wanjala
- Taxes Committee - Dhruv Sanghavi
If you require information on scholarships for years prior to those shown, please contact divisions@int-bar.org