David W Rivkin Fellowship
The David W Rivkin Fellowship was launched in 2023, in honour of the former IBA president. Beginning with the January-March 2024 cohort and awarded to one intern annually thereafter, applicants to the fellowship will be required to submit a short 1000 word (maximium) essay alongside their internship application to London-office based internship programmes. Candidates who progress to the second and final round will be asked to submit a video in response to a question relating to an applicant's career aspirations or a more technical question. The candidate awarded the fellowship will receive a monetary award and further benefits.
How to apply
The Fellowship will only be available for applicants to the April - June London-office based internship programmes. Alongside your application to the April-June 2025 cohort, please also add your essay and label it appropriately. For those who continue on to the second round, we recommend using WeTransfer or sharing the video via a cloud-based platform (e.g. Google Drive). Videos should be maximum two minutes in length, and applicants should not read from a script / notes. If you have any questions regarding the Fellowship, please direct them to internprogramme@int-bar.org.

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Released on Oct 02, 2024