Getting to Know the ERF – Gábor Damjanovic

Wednesday 5 March 2025

Gábor Damjanovic
Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm, Budapest

Gábor Damjanovic, IBA European Regional Forum (ERF) Council Member for Hungary

1. What does being European mean to you?

It means that there is a lot more that connects us than what separates us on this ancient continent.

I have always felt like a citizen of the world and, within this, a European citizen.

When I grew up in communist Hungary, I did not have a chance to travel to the West and only dreamed of being able to freely move. Thus, to me, free movement and the Schengen Area are magical. Unfortunately, I have been seeing a reverse move lately (more and more border posts coming back, etc) and that makes me worried.

2. What would you like to accomplish in the ERF in 2025?

Make Europe great again.

Jokes aside, in this more and more introvert, closing and snarler world, I would like the ERF to get Europeans (and maybe even beyond) closer to one another, to build cohesion among us.

3. Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?

I think I actually do.