IBAHRI Freedom of Expression bulletin

The IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin provides an insight into issues relating to the freedom of expression globally, highlighting current threats and trends to this fundamental right, and monitoring cases and situations where this right is violated. Now more than ever, access to information and the freedom to scrutinise government actions in responding to the Covid-19 crisis should be permitted.
Issue 19 - 23 March 2021
The latest issue of the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin includes an update on the ongoing crackdown of free expression in India, a summary of the recently announced UK National Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists and attacks against journalists and media workers across the globe.
Issue 18 - 17 February 2021
In this issue, the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin provides an update on the ongoing crackdown in Myanmar, Belarus and Russia following mass protests, mounting pressure on social media companies in India and Pakistan and ongoing disruptions and restrictions to the internet.
Issue 17 - 16 December 2020
Throughout November 2020, the International Bar Associations Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) Secretariat to The High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom organised launch events for the three remaining reports produced by the Panel. The series of four advisory reports focus on improving international mechanisms to enforce international human rights norms.
DownloadIssue 16 - 6 November 2020
This week, the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin provides an update on the ongoing crackdown in Tanzania following elections, Russian and Iranian state-sponsored hackers infiltration of US government networks with an aim to undermine, influence and interfere in the presidential election and the decline of media freedom and attacks against journalists across the world.
DownloadIssue 15 - 21 October 2020
This week, the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin provides an update on the internet shutdown in Guinea ahead of elections, deterioration of press freedom and attacks against journalists in Egypt and a ground-breaking judgment on indiscriminate government mass surveillance regimes passed by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
DownloadIssue 13 - 23 September 2020
This week, the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin provides an update on the impact of restrictive legislation on freedom of expression ahead of upcoming elections, further arrests of journalists covering the pandemic and a crackdown on free speech and digital rights.
DownloadIssue 10 - 12 August 2020
This week, the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin provides an update on the approved Social Media law in Turkey proposed to strengthen state control of social media platforms, addresses ongoing privacy concerns regarding contact tracing apps and details the year of restrictions in the Jammu and Kashmir region.
DownloadIssue 9 - 28 July 2020
This week, the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin covers the steady use of the new Anti-Terrorism Act recently passed in the Philippines, increasing arrests of journalists under Cambodia's Press Law and privacy concerns raised regarding location settings in contract tracing apps.
DownloadIssue 8 - 14 July 2020
This week, the IBAHRI Freedom of Expression Bulletin covers the approval of amendments to the administrative code in Tajikistan to criminalise ‘false news’, how protests in Ethiopia sparked the shutting down of the internet in the country and Russian journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva, who was found guilty of ‘publicly justifying terrorism’.
DownloadIssue 3 - 5 May 2020
To mark the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom issued a statement on 1 May 2020 on the challenges posed to media freedom in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) acts as Secretariat to the High Level Panel.
DownloadIssue 2 - 21 April 2020
The second issue of the FOE Bulletin assesses privacy and surveillance developments in states such as Azerbaijan, which now requires citizens to obtain an electronic permit in order to leave their home, and examines media restrictions in places including Algeria, Egypt and Venezuela.