Filippo Ferri
![Kateryna Gupalo](/medias/profile-images-1108060-142435.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGFzc2V0c3w4NTczfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURsaEwyaGlPUzg0TnprMk9EazFNVGd5T0RjNEwzQnliMlpwYkdVdGFXMWhaMlZ6THpFeE1EZ3dOakJmTVRReU5ETTFMbXB3Wnd8MWMwYjljNDRkZTA4ZTllZGI1NGQ1Y2U2ZGY2MmRlYjEyZDQyN2IxMmE4MjZiYmUzYjU5MDViN2U0ZWI3ZGRjZg)
Kateryna Gupalo
Business Crime Committee
The Business Crime Committee provides a forum for members to discuss, address, and advocate on emerging white-collar crime issues. The Committee’s goal is to promote awareness of the growing significance of novel tactics. Recent focuses include international cooperation in criminal matters, money laundering, cybercrime, internal investigations, and legal frameworks against bribery and corruption in global transactions. Membership benefits include opportunities to publish articles and content, attending educational conferences and networking with business crime lawyers and opportunities for sourcing referrals to experts in foreign jurisdictions and attorneys.