Andrew Mackenzie

Forum for Government and Public Lawyers

About the Forum

The Forum for Government and Public Lawyers provides a home for government and public lawyers from around the world. 

With the establishment of this hub for this professional category and, as the global voice of the legal profession, the IBA is well-placed to support government and public lawyers and to provide opportunities to connect such practitioners with others in both the public and private sector.

The Forum will focus on the role and practice of the government and public lawyer, including around the values and objectives that ground public service, ethics and specialist skills, as well as consideration of public international law developments.

Membership of the Forum is open to Bar Associations which are full or supporting members of the IBA, and to individual members of any of the Divisions. The Forum will be of particular interest to practitioners working in government or public entities at domestic, regional or international level.

Forthcoming conferences and webinars View All Conferences

Subcommittees and other groups

The Forum for Government and Public Lawyers also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.

  • Forum for Government and Public Lawyers Advisory Board