From the Editors – Construction Law International – September 2022
Dear readers,
We are pleased to introduce the September 2022 issue of Construction Law International.
In this issue, we continue our FIDIC Around the World series with Ian Dalley and Suzannah Fairbairn looking at the use of FIDIC contracts in the UAE, and Ben Bury and Julie-Anne Mallis outlining their use in Hong Kong. This issue also includes country updates concerning the United States and Panama: R Zachary Torres-Fowler and Albert Bates, Jr explains a recent US Supreme Court decision concerning 28 USC section 1782 relevant to discovery in international arbitration proceedings and Luis H Moreno provides an update on the regime governing public–private partnerships in Panama.
Moving to our feature articles, Ana Carolina Barretto, Mauro Hiane de Moura and Francisco de Andrade Figueira address Brazil’s new procurement law and its possible impacts on government procured construction contracts; Mohammadyasha Sakhavi examines the legal implications of adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM) in EU public procurement; and Elina Mereminskaya considers the recent decisions of Chile’s Supreme Court, asking whether contractors can expect a more balanced approach.
We are also pleased to include a short report on the ICP Working Weekend 2022, which took place in Vevey, Switzerland in May, as well as articles by Russell Thirgood, Ana Cândida de Mello Carvalho, Victoria Carolina Lima de Oliveira and Leendert van den Berg, expanding on topics addressed during the Weekend.
Finally, Thayananthan Baskaran and Clement Ling review the new edition of FIDIC 2017: A Definitive Guide to Claims and Disputes by Nicholas Brown and Tjaart van der Walt reviews Construction Contracts for Infrastructure Projects: An International Guide to Application by Philip Loots and Donald Charrett.
We hope this edition offers an enjoyable and informative read. We thank our contributors for their time and support of CLInt. We look forward to publishing ICP members’ experiences and insights in upcoming issues.
Please submit potential articles to
China Irwin
Committee Editor, IBA International Construction Projects Committee
LALIVE, Geneva
Thayananthan Baskaran
Deputy Committee Editor, IBA International Construction Projects Committee
Baskaran, Kuala Lumpur