24th Annual IBA Arbitration Day

13 Apr - 14 Apr 2023 Lisbon Congress Centre, Lisbon, Portugal

A conference presented by the IBA Arbitration Committee

24th Annual IBA Arbitration Day, International arbitration in a divided world: a challenge to the system’s legitimacy

Session topics:

  • The impact of third party funding on investment arbitration
  • The implications of sanctions for international arbitration
  • Duty of disclosure: self-regulation vs statutory regulation
  • Dealing with corruption in international arbitration
  • Keynote speech: The perils and promise of transparency 

The Arb40 Subcommittee of the IBA Arbitration Committee invites those 40 years and below to also register for the IBA Arb40 Symposium, which will take place on 13 April at Cuatrecasas, Lisbon.


Important Dates


Delegate search

Delegate search tool becomes available. Please sign in to access this function.


Early bird deadline

Book by this date to receive early bird discounts.


Cancellation deadline

Cancellations are subject to an admin charge as stated in the conference programme. After this date, no refunds can be made.


Online registration deadline

Registration may still be possible after this date via the IBA office, but is subject to availability. Please contact confs@int-bar.org for further information.


Online amendment deadline

No further amendments can be made to your booking after this date. Please contact confs@int-bar.org for further information.

Headline social event sponsors
Associate conference sponsor
Conference luncheon sponsor
Exhibitor table sponsor
Supporting Organisations

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Speaker opportunities

If you would like to be considered as a potential speaker at this specialist conference then please contact the relevant Chair/Co-Chairs in the IBA Arbitration Committee with your request; please send your bio together with information on your qualification and expertise on the topic.