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Tuesday 21 January (1500 - 1530)

Tuesday 21 January (1530 - 1645)

Session details

This session will have a special focus on recent judicial decisions on beneficial ownership and will additionally consider the following topics:

  • beneficial ownership in tax treaties, EU tax directives and domestic law; and
  • the latest case law developments in Canada, Czech Republic, France, Poland and the UK.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 21 January (1645 - 1800)

Session details

1) Panellists will discuss the recent trend of companies taking steps to access US capital markets and support US listings and/or inclusion in US Market Indexes and the varied tax considerations that follow, including:

  • overview of some typical restructuring steps undertaken by companies to support such listing or inclusion;
  • consequences of restructuring, moving headquarters (management and control) or formally redomesticating from present jurisdiction to the US; and
  • stakeholder impacts.
2) Additionally, many US-formed companies will often reorganise or enter into transformative business combination transactions in the pursuit of capital in non-US jurisdiction or [other objectives]. Panellists will discuss:
  • application of the US anti-inversion rules to redomesticated US companies or new foreign (non-US) parent company;
  • consequences of an inverted company in the US and relevant non-US jurisdiction(s); and
  • challenges faced by both US and non-US stakeholders receiving distributions from or participating in reorganisation transactions involving an inverted US company.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Tuesday 21 January (1800 - 1845)

Session details

  • the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and the future of our profession;
  • big data in tax administrations – and big problems for taxpayers; and
  • chaotic crypto taxation: liquid staking, decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) and tokenized assets

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

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