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Friday 30 May (1215 - 1245)

Friday 30 May (1245 - 1345)

Friday 30 May (1345 - 1430)

Session details

In the world of geo-political uncertainty, coupled with the developments in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the role of state aid and foreign direct investment (FDI)  regimes will need to be carefully managed as too protectionist approach may have significant unintended consequences. This panel will explore some of these risks and solutions drawing on experiences from abroad.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 30 May (1430 - 1515)

Session details

From patents to plant breeders' rights, FRAND terms to pay-for-delay, this session will unpack important theories of harm and recent cases and consider how to reconcile competition law with intellectual property rights.

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Friday 30 May (1515 - 1530)

Friday 30 May (1530 - 1545)

Session details

This slot will provide an author who has submitted a paper to be considered for the IBA Conference an opportunity to present their paper and findings. Preference to be given to a young competition law scholar or practitioner in Africa, although we welcome submissions from all competition law specialists.

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Friday 30 May (1545 - 1645)

Session details

A round table between agency representatives participating in the workshop to provide an update on key developments from their perspective and respond to a Q&A session.

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Friday 30 May (1600 - 1615)

Friday 30 May (1645 - 1700)

Friday 30 May (1730 - 1930)