IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C4.10, Convention Centre, Level 4

Session information

The no longer brave new world: artificial intelligence and other new deliveries of legal services

Tuesday 10 October (1430 - 1730)

Room C4.10, Convention Centre, Level 4


Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee (Lead)
Academic and Professional Development Committee
Law Firm Management Committee
Professional Ethics Committee
Technology Law Committee


Each day brings another news item about robots and artificial intelligence (AI) across disciplines, in law, medicine and elsewhere. We are facing a world of driverless cars, chips embedded in our bodies and robots performing analytical tasks as well as physical activity. What was imagined 50 years ago in science fiction is now part of the fact of legal practice. From document review to interactive response with clients, artificial intelligence is now permanently part of legal practice. The IBA through its Global Employment Institute issued a report on 1 April 2017 on the impact of AI and robotics in the workplace. How far will it go? Do the current rules of professional responsibility cover the responsibilities of lawyers? Will we now find judges relying on computer analysis to resolve cases, in the manner of computer chess programs resolving complex solutions? Beyond the technology and ethics, will the continued use of AI change the way society views law and dispute resolution? Will these alternative business structures relating to delivery of legal services solve the access to justice problem? A diverse panel of experts from around the world and in a variety of legal structures will seek to address these issues. Robots are also welcome and encouraged to attend.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Steven Richman American Bar Association, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; BIC Officer


Hilarie Bass Bass Institute for Diversity and Inclusion, Miami, Florida, USA; IBA Council MemberAmerican Bar Association
Geraldine Clarke Gleeson McGrath Baldwin Solicitors, Dublin, Ireland; PPID/SPPI Representative, LPD Council
Derya Durlu Gürzumar Istanbul Bar Association, Istanbul, Turkey
Kinley Gyeltshen Office of the Attorney General, Thimpu, Bhutan
Mickael Laurans The Law Society of England and Wales, London, England; Vice Chair, BIC International Trade in Legal Services Committee
Fiona McLeod AO KC Victorian Bar, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; President / Chairperson, Member Organisations
Aku Sorainen Sorainen, Tallinn, Estonia; Member, Law Firm Management Committee Advisory Board
Vagn Thorup Luminance, London, England
Carlos Valls Martinez Giró Martínez, Barcelona, Spain; Senior Vice Chair, International Commerce and Distribution Committee