IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C2.3, Convention Centre, Level 2

Session information

Mapping the legal ecosystem: what does the current evolution look like and where is it leading us?
Room C2.3, Convention Centre, Level 2


Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)
Academic and Professional Development Committee


The session will present the preliminary results of research on who – technology firms, law firms, the Big Four multidisciplinary firms, universities, startups and disrupters – is teaming up with whom and on what basis – exclusive, non-exclusive, global, selective. In short, how are the various ‘movers and shakers’ positioning themselves in the legal ecosystem. The session will include presentations from leading academics who are keeping a close eye on and tracking the legal ecosystem, concentrating on the Big Four multidisciplinary firms and the largest and most innovative law firms. It will address how the new and evolving legal ecosystem will affect legal education and the way it is delivered, as well as subsequent professional development. The session will also include a discussion of how this new and evolving legal ecosystem is affecting and will affect law firm management, and what new structures are most suitable for the delivery of legal services and to whom, and how practical such structures are given different legal and ethical systems.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Charles Corwin Coward null, Barcelona, Spain; Officer, Academic and Professional Development Committee


James Abbott Allen&Overy, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Jan Dernestam Mannheimer Swartling, Stockholm, Sweden; Chair, Law Firm Management - Conferences Subcommittee
Maria-Jose Esteban Bufete Escura SLP, Barcelona, Spain
Robert Millard Cambridge Strategy Group , Cambridge, England