IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C4.7, Convention Centre, Level 4

Session information

Issues in the liability of directors for loss caused to shareholders or creditors by directors' negligence or breach of duty

Wednesday 11 October (1430 - 1730)

Room C4.7, Convention Centre, Level 4


Negligence and Damages Committee (Lead)
Closely Held Companies Committee


This session involves questions about statutory provisions on the liability of directors, negligence and breach of fiduciary and similar duties. The session chair will develop questions with jurisdiction-based content for each panellist based on the panellist’s country of practice. The audience will make contributions and pose questions for the panellists and the session chair will round up with a summary.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Professor Yusuf Ali SAN Yusuf Ali & Co, Ilorin, Nigeria; Chair, Negligence and Damages Committee


Kemsley Brennan MinterEllison, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
S L Bunker Competition Commission of India, New Delhi, India
Benedict Christ VISCHER AG, Zürich, Switzerland
Charandeep Kaur Trilegal, New Delhi, Delhi, India; Senior Vice Chair, Women Lawyers' Committee
Hermann Knott Kunz Rechtsanwälte, Cologne, Germany; Member, Law Firm Management Committee Advisory Board
Jeffrey Merk Aird & Berlis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Secretary-Treasurer, Professional Ethics Committee