IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C4.11, Convention Centre, Level 4

Session information

The perfect pitch: what to learn from transactional real estate lawyers

Tuesday 10 October (0930 - 1045)

Room C4.11, Convention Centre, Level 4


Real Estate Section (Lead)
Corporate Counsel Forum
Young Lawyers' Committee


Although lawyers are chasing business all of the time, occasionally lawyers get asked to make a formal ‘pitch’ for business, including transactional real estate lawyers. This kind of opportunity initially results in great enthusiasm, which is followed by the realisation that you will need to put a serious effort into preparing for the pitch while still fulfilling the rest of your daily responsibilities. That effort involves asking and answering a number of questions, including: • How should you organise your pitch? • Who should be involved in the pitch from your firm? • What should you try to find out about the target company you are pitching before making the pitch? • Should you deliver any materials to the target company before actually making the pitch? • Who from your firm should attend the pitch? • What materials should you bring to the pitch? • How should your firm follow up with the target company after making the pitch, but before the target company’s selection decision is made? • What should you do if you don’t win the business? These and other questions, and the challenges of pitching business, will be explored by our panel of experts, some of whom have been on both sides of such pitches during their careers.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Peter Vocke HEUKING, Düsseldorf, Germany; Co-Chair, Servicing Industry Subcommittee


Jan Buechsenstein LL.M. Credit Suisse AG, Zürich, Switzerland; Corporate Counsel Forum Liaison Officer, Real Estate Section
Stefan Gerlach SGP Rechtsanwälte, Munich, Germany
Mariëtte Lafarre Lafarre Law Firm, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Europe Regional Officer, Real Estate Section
Philip Skinner Arnall Golden Gregory, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Treasurer, Real Estate Section
Zuzanna Maria Wencel-Czuryszkiewicz Magnusson Tokaj Partnerzy Adwokaci Radcowie, Warsaw, Poland