IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C4.2, Convention Centre, Level 4

Session information

Complexities of renewables: how regulation should handle power renewables' impact in system stability and security, power pricing and climate change
Room C4.2, Convention Centre, Level 4


Power Law Committee (Lead)
Arbitration Committee


Renewable energy is booming in many jurisdictions throughout the world. This session will analyse not only its positive aspects, but especially its complexities through all the phases of a project, that is, analysis, construction and operation. Technical analysis, regulatory framework, land permits, equipment availability and acquisition, financing, impact on system operations and pricing rules will be discussed, mainly for solar and wind projects.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Uriel Federico O'Farrell Estudio O'Farrell, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Chair, Power Law Committee


Simon Currie
Peter S Davis Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Sarah Fitts ArentFox Schiff LLP, New York, New York, USA; Vice Chair, Power Law Committee
Nicole Iseppi ENGIE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Conference Quality Officer, Power Law Committee
John Kettle Gadens, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia