IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017
8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017
Room C3.2, Convention Centre, Level 3
Session information
What does the future hold for regulation of the profession? Trends and challenges
Thursday 12 October (0930 - 1230)
Bar Issues Commission Regulation Committee
US President John F Kennedy said that 'change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future'. Change has certainly become the law of life for the global legal profession, and the pace shows no sign of slowing. International regulatory experts will engage attendees in a conversation about these changes, and what they mean for the future of the regulation of the profession and the delivery of legal services. First, the discussion will focus on newer lawyer regulatory mechanisms being adopted globally, including forms of proactive management-based regulation and entity regulation. These forms of regulation are being shown to help lawyers and firms better serve clients and avoid disciplinary problems. The second half of this session will address the proliferation of additional providers of legal services (whether individuals or e-commerce platforms), whether they should be regulated in the public interest, and if so, how? Each of these developments poses opportunities and challenges for the global legal profession and the public.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Jonathan Goldsmith | European & International Legal Services Consultant, Brussels, Belgium; Officer, BIC International Trade in Legal Services Committee |
Jonathan Herman | Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
Julie Couturier | Conseil National des Barreaux, Paris, France; IBA Council Member, Member Organisations |
Alison Hook | Hook Tangaza, London, England; Vice Chair, BIC International Trade in Legal Services Committee |
John McKenzie | Office of the Legal Services Commissioner, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |
Beth Patterson | Allens, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |