IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017
8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017
Room C4.8, Convention Centre, Level 4
Session information
Law firm of the future: the vision of young lawyers
Wednesday 11 October (1115 - 1230)
Law Firm Management Committee
Young Lawyers' Committee
What do young lawyers envisage the law firm will look like in 10 to 15 years and how can today’s law firm management provide the support and necessary tools to develop the legal, technological and people skills as well as required leadership qualities in young lawyers so that they are equipped for the law firm of the future?
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Sebastian Mahr | Graf Isola Attorneys at Law, Vienna, Austria |
Susanna Norelid | Norelid Advokatbyrå AB, Stockholm, Sweden; Vice Chair, Law Firm Management - Talent and Leadership Subcommittee |
Irina Paliashvili | RULG Ukrainian Legal Group, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Titilayo Aina-Scott | Akinlawon & Ajomo LP, Lagos, Nigeria |
Michelle Bakhos | Michelle Bakhos Law Practice, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Co-Vice Chair , Young Lawyers' Committee |
Marie Brasseur | Altius, Brussels, Belgium |
Hanim Hamzah | KPMG, Singapore, Singapore |
Chidera Eugene Igweagu | PRINCIPLES LAW PARTNERSHIP, Rivers State, Nigeria |
Rasem Kamal | Kamal & Associates, Ramallah, Palestine |
Hermann Knott | Kunz Lawyers, Köln, Germany; Member, Law Firm Management Committee Advisory Board |
Marco Toni | Loyens & Loeff, Zürich, Switzerland |