IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017
8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017
Room C4.8, Convention Centre, Level 4
Session information
The partner as a coach and mentor
Wednesday 11 October (0930 - 1045)
Law Firm Management Committee
Leading organisations around the world have for some time led and managed their people through coaching and mentoring. This practical session will give participants the keys to deal with some of today’s most complex talent and leadership issues in law firms. Whether it is managing motivation and performance of young lawyers, designing an employer value proposition capable of attracting the best talent, building client and commercial skills from an early stage in careers, retaining the best lawyers or building capability for the next generation of leaders of the firm, the key in modern management lies in investing in individual, tailored and on-the-job learning relationships.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Hermann Knott | Kunz Lawyers, Köln, Germany; Member, Law Firm Management Committee Advisory Board |
Susanna Norelid | Norelid Advokatbyrå AB, Stockholm, Sweden; Vice Chair, Law Firm Management - Talent and Leadership Subcommittee |
Hanim Hamzah | KPMG, Singapore, Singapore |
Rasem Kamal | Kamal & Associates, Ramallah, Palestine |
Kimathi Kuenyehia | Kimathi & Partners Corporate Attorneys, Accra, Ghana; Membership Officer, Young Lawyers' Committee |
Irina Paliashvili | RULG Ukrainian Legal Group, Kyiv, Ukraine |