IBA Annual Conference Rome 2018

7 Oct - 12 Oct 2018

Session Room C, Level -1

Session information

The good, the bad and the ugly: who’s who in transactions in distressed financial assets? The originator, the investor and the regulator's perspective

Thursday 11 October (1115 - 1230)

Session Room C, Level -1


Banking & Financial Law Committee (Lead)
Creditors' Rights Subcommittee


The non-performing loan (NPL) market is booming. Although the positive trend of the global economy is having an undoubted positive effect, divestitures by originators are, at least in some jurisdictions, the primary driver of the decrease of NPL ratio in the originator banks’ balance sheet, securitisation being one of the most commonly used tools for such divestitures. New challenges are posed by a number of variables, including the increasing interest of investors in the so-called ‘unlikely to pay’ distressed assets, the new skills that servicers are requested to deploy in the management of this asset class and in extracting value from NPLs generally, regulatory changes and the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 9. This session will explore the approach of originators, investors and their servicers, and the regulators approach to such demanding developments.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Giuseppe Schiavello Schiavello & Co Studio Legale, Rome, Italy; Co-Chair, Banking & Financial Law Committee
Roberto Emilio Silva Marval O'Farrell Mairal, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Member, Banking & Financial Law Committee Advisory Board


Emanuela Campari Bernacchi PedersoliGattai, Milan, Italy
Russell DaSilva Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, New York, New York, USA; Co-opted Member, IBA Foundation
Guido Lombardo Credito Fondiario SPA, Rome, Italy
Roberto Nicastro Cerberus Capital, Milan, Italy
Professor Juan Sanchez-Calero Estudio Juridico Sanchez Calero, Madrid, Spain
Lukasz Szegda Wardynski & Partners, Warsaw, Poland