IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 318 B, Floor 3

Session information

The development of pro bono in Asia: opportunities and challenges?

Tuesday 24 September (0930 - 1045)

Room 318 B, Floor 3


Pro Bono Committee (Lead)
Asia Pacific Regional Forum


Only a handfull of bar associations in Asian countries make pro bono and community legal services mandatory (eg, Japan and South Korea). Other jurisdictions are also working to develop a culture of pro bono, with some jurisdictions taking a lead. Practitioners are increasingly getting together to discuss how to further develop and encourage pro bono. This panel aims to explore these issues and other relevant matters, including the relationship between legal aid (paid by governments) and pro bono services.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Associate Professor Helena Whalen-Bridge National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law, Singapore, Singapore


Kyongwha Chung Covington & Burling LLP, Seoul, South Korea
Anna Cristina Collantes Romulo Law Office, Makati City, Philippines
Saroj Ghimire Himalayan Lawyers and Associates, Kathmandu, Nepal; Bar Executive Officer, Permanent Liaison Officers
Haidi Teng King & Wood Mallesons, Shenzhen, China