IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019
22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019
Room 318 A, Floor 3
Session information
Whistleblower claims in financial services companies: A global challenge
Wednesday 25 September (1615 - 1730)
Banking & Financial Law Committee
A guide for lawyers dealing with whistleblowing and investigations in banks and regulated financial institutions. Regulated financial firms face a complex web of obligations and expectations when faced with a whistleblower’s report. Legal protections are available for whistleblowers in many jurisdictions, and regulators may encourage or positively require reporting in certain circumstances. A whistleblower’s report may trigger an employment law grievance and an internal investigation will generally follow. This investigation in turn raises questions around procedure, privilege and regulatory interactions. This session will examine these issues and provide practical guidance to in-house and private practice lawyers that deal with them.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Philip Berkowitz | Littler Mendelson P C, New York, New York, USA; Co-Chair, Diversity and Equality Law Committee |
Liam Flynn | Mason Hayes & Curran, Dublin, Ireland; European Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Banking & Financial Law Committee |
Simon Davis | Clifford Chance LLP, London, England; President / ChairpersonLaw Society of England and Wales |
Hee Won (Marina) Moon | Kim & Chang, Seoul, South Korea |
Yuri Suzuki | Atsumi & Sakai, Tokyo, Japan; Vice Chair, Financial and Banking Law Conferences Subcommittee |
Shaun Wu |