IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 317 AB, Floor 3

Session information

Young lawyers' introductory session

Monday 23 September (0930 - 1045)

Room 317 AB, Floor 3


Young Lawyers' Committee (Lead)


This session assists young lawyers and newcomers in navigating and making the most of the IBA Annual Conference, from tips on how to network effectively to assisting them in understanding the structure and function of the IBA, as well as becoming involved in its committees. This session also looks at the structure of the IBA as a whole and explain how anyone can get involved in the IBA Young Lawyers’ Committee.


Itzik Amiel THE SWITCH™ | THE SWITCH HUB™, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Michelle Bakhos Michelle Bakhos Law Practice, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Co-Chair, Young Lawyers' Committee
Rainer Kaspar PHH Rechtsanwält:innen GmbH , Vienna, Austria; Co-Chair, Young Lawyers' Committee
Marco Monaco Sorge Tonucci & Partners, Rome, Italy; Co-Vice Chair , Young Lawyers' Committee
Masha Ooijevaar Clyde & Co Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Co-Vice Chair , Young Lawyers' Committee