IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 307 BC, Floor 3

Session information

Hot topics in international sales, trade, franchising and product law

Monday 23 September (0930 - 1230)

Room 307 BC, Floor 3


International Commerce, Trade, Franchising and Product Law Section (Lead)
International Commerce and Distribution Committee
International Franchising Committee
International Trade and Customs Law Committee
Product Law and Advertising Committee


Our hot topics session is designed to be interactive – it is the opposite of a ‘talking heads’ format! We host a series of tables where we discuss ‘late breaking’ topics in the areas of international sales, trade, franchising and product law. The format is interactive and topics are selected to be of current interest and likely to stimulate discussion and debate. Moderators at each table introduce and briefly discuss the table topic and then participants weigh in with their views. You have the opportunity to discuss three topics. We have scheduled turnover times when the participants change tables to move to the next topic of their choice. By participating in the table discussions, you gain a greater insight into these areas and the other participants and table moderators benefit from your comments. The session provides you with a great opportunity to meet many other lawyers and discuss topics of mutual interest with them. Many times at our session, participants meet lawyers from other countries who they keep in touch with for years to come. Each year our table moderators comment that they ‘learnt as much or more’ from the table participants as they themselves conveyed!

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Alessandro Barzaghi COCUZZA, Milan, Italy; Newsletter Coordinator, International Commerce and Distribution Committee
Michael Chen JunHe LLP, Shanghai, China
Martine De Koning Kennedy Van der Laan, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Treasurer, International Franchising Committee
John Doherty Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP, London, England; Chair, Product Law and Advertising Committee
Silvia Fazio Norton Rose Fulbright, São Paulo, Brazil
Joanna Fulton Burness Paull LLP, Edinburgh, Scotland
Professor Stewart Germann Stewart Germann, Auckland, New Zealand
Dominic Hui Ribeiro Hui, Shanghai, China; Vice Chair, International Franchising Committee
Merril Keane Miller Nash Graham & Dunn, Other City, Oregon, USA; Vice Chair, International Commerce and Distribution Committee
Matthew Kronby Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Vice Chair, International Trade and Customs Law Committee
Andrew P Loewinger Nixon Peabody, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Susan Xuanfeng Ning King & Wood Mallesons, Beijing, China
Talha Salaria Lawyers At Work, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Guillermo Sanchez Chao Greenberg Traurig, Mexico City, Mexico
Dagmar Waldzus BUSE, Hamburg, Germany
Yi Zhang Fangda Partners, Shanghai, China
Stephanie Zosak DLA Piper, Chicago, Illinois, USA