IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 403, Floor 4

Session information

State-of-the-art, cutting edge technology 2019/20 and its legal considerations

Wednesday 25 September (0930 - 1045)

Room 403, Floor 4


Technology Law Committee (Lead)
Communications Law Committee
Space Law Committee


In this session you will be introduced to and have a demonstration of the world’s state-of-the-art technology as of 2019. You will learn about the highest level of technology development, for a device, technique or scientific research achieved as of 2019 and learn for each of these technologies: - What is it technically? - What are the general regulatory environment and the key legal issues? - Where are the business opportunities for tech lawyers within the next five years? The session is presented by some of the top experts on the relevant topics, including technology giants, gurus and cutting-edge technology lawyers. Focus audience are not only technology and communications lawyers but really every lawyer interested in technology and its business impact. As it stands now the following topics will be discussed: - quantum computing; - 5G (next generation of Mobile Tech); - digital assistants; - augmented/virtual reality; and - cross device advertising.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Blanca Escribano B E Law & Ethics LLP, Madrid, Spain; Vice Chair, Communications Law Committee
Martin Schirmbacher HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte, Berlin, Germany


Elisa Henry WSP Global Inc, Montreal, Québec, Canada; Vice Chair, Platforms, E-commerce & Social Media Subcommittee
Daren Orzechowski Vice Chair, Technology Law Committee
Søren Skibsted Kromann Reumert, Copenhagen, Denmark; Co-Chair, Technology Law Committee
Dan Vaughn Intel Corporation, San Francisco, California, USA
Philippe Vogeleer Vodafone Group, London, England