IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 317 AB, Floor 3

Session information

D&I DAY Gender quotas: shell game or game changer?

Monday 23 September (1615 - 1730)

Room 317 AB, Floor 3


Women Lawyers' Committee (Lead)
Corporate and M&A Law Committee


This session picks up where Harvard Business Review left off in a 2016 article. Our panellists reflect on the notion of quotas and whether they have a place in the legal profession, or are in fact destructive and demean people who have only earned status and recognition because they are in a specific category. Join us and engage in stimulating discussion on what continues to be a polarising issue for corporate and board leadership around the world.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Gabriella Covino Gianni Origoni, Rome, Italy; Senior Vice Chair, Corporate Governance and Activism Subcommittee
Annalisa Reale Chiomenti Studio Legale, Milan, Italy; Conference Officer, Women Lawyers' Committee


Brian Duffy Greenberg Traurig, Denver, Colorado, USA
Connor Manning Arthur Cox , Dublin, Ireland
Marie Park Kim & Chang, Singapore, Singapore
Jennifer Kennedy Park Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Silicon Valley, California, USA