IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 308 BC, Floor 3

Session information

D&I DAY Women in law firm leadership: how to make the breakthrough

Tuesday 24 September (1615 - 1730)

Room 308 BC, Floor 3


Women Lawyers' Committee (Lead)
Law Firm Management Committee


A business case discussion with senior lawyers from firms around the globe with solid track records in supporting gender diversity and putting the right policies and programmes in place to empower female talent into leadership roles. Practical discussion on successful experiences and challenges.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Mariana Norton dos Reis Cuatrecasas, Lisbon, Portugal; Projects Officer, Women Lawyers' Committee


Christina Blacklaws The Law Society of England and Wales, London, England; IBA Council Member, Member Organisations
Roberta Gallardo Arias, San Salvador, El Salvador
Yosbel Ibarra Greenberg Traurig, Miami, Florida, USA
Young Hee Jo LAB Partners, Seoul, South Korea
David Patient Travers Smith, London, England