IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 327 A, Floor 3

Session information

Defending the rule of law

Wednesday 25 September (0930 - 1045)

Room 327 A, Floor 3


Senior Lawyers' Committee (Lead)
Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee
Rule of Law Forum


In a political climate where so-called populist parties are seeking to cement their power by attacking the independent judiciary and rule of law, the Senior Lawyers' Committee have a responsibility to lead the thinking on such topics. We discuss the erosion of the separation of power, camouflaging authoritarian regimes with rule of law pretense and looking for safeguards to defend the rule of law.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Irina Paliashvili RULG Ukrainian Legal Group, Kyiv, Ukraine


Jane Anderson Public Lawyer, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Website Officer, Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee
Simon Davis Clifford Chance LLP, London, England; President / ChairpersonLaw Society of England and Wales
Graham Leung Department of Justice, Yaren, Nauru
Carmen Pombo Fernando Pombo Foundation, Madrid, Spain; Co-Chair, Rule of Law Forum
Tomasz Wardynski Wardynski & Partners, Warsaw, Poland; IBA Council MemberThe Polish Bar Council