IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019
22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019
Room 307 BC, Floor 3
Session information
Regional Fora
African Regional Forum
Arab Regional Forum
Asia Pacific Regional Forum
Communications Law Committee
European Regional Forum
Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee
Latin American Regional Forum
Leisure Industries Section
North American Regional Forum
Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins said, “The opportunity we have is to build a secure, intelligent platform that solves some of the world’s greatest problems at scale. That’s what’s possible with hundreds of billions of connections and the capabilities that we can deliver together.” Elon Musk famously cautioned, “We should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, I would probably say that. So we need to be very careful.” IoT has long ceased to be science fiction and a magical, unattainable technology. It is omnipresent and there is no turning away from its increasing impact on our lives - both private and professional. The interaction of objects and people on levels previously unimaginable provides for great opportunities to improve and grow, and even to solve real-life problems. But it also creates challenges that we may not always be sufficiently equipped to deal with. The panel will examine how IoT has impacted their businesses – what opportunities have been created by the advancement of IoT technologies and what new challenges they face. Issues such as protection of privacy, data security, trust, safety will be discussed from both legal but also ethical perspectives. We will try to determine whether regulations currently in place are providing enough protection and what else can and must be done to ensure that we do not loose ourselves in the digital age.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Anna Dabrowska | WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG, Warsaw, Poland; Regional Fora Liaison Officer, European Regional Forum |
Chung Nian Lam | WongPartnership, Singapore, Singapore |
Justin Blaze George | Infocomm Media Development Authority & Personal Data Protection Commission, Singapore, Singapore |
Professor Beomsoo Kim | Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea |
Anneliese Reinhold | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co PJSC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
Gonzalo Ruiz | Fortinet Inc, San Francisco, California, USA |
Philippe Vogeleer | Vodafone Group, London, England |