IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019
22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019
Room 308 BC, Floor 3
Session information
Artificial intelligence algorithms: protection of business secrets and IP/AI is gaining popularity and business value
Monday 23 September (1430 - 1545)
Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Section
Art, Cultural Institutions and Heritage Law Committee
Communications Law Committee
Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee
Media Law Committee
Space Law Committee
Technology Law Committee
Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining popularity and business value. This is why providers of AI solutions are looking for protection of that value as well as for their other tangible assets. Legal practitioners around the world are seeking ways to protect these assets, and the regime of protection of business or trade secrets is a likely avenue to achieve this goal. In addition, the protection of AI and AI algorithms on the basis of intellectual property will be discussed: are copyright and patent adequate concepts and instruments to protect the value of AI algorithms? How do you control and protect data? Algorithms as well as smart service solutions should not be open to hijacking attacks, in particular in times of cyberwarfare.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Herman Croux | MVVP, Brussels, Belgium |
Anne Vallery | WilmerHale, Brussels, Belgium |
Sonia Cooper | Microsoft, London, England |
Elizaveta Dolghih | Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, Dallas, Texas, USA |
Hyonjong Kim | SK Telecom, Seoul, South Korea |