IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019
22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019
Room 202, ASEM Ballroom, Floor 2
Session information
Business Human Rights Committee breakfast
Tuesday 24 September (0800 - 0915)
Business Human Rights Committee
This year’s discussion provides an update on key developments in the field of business and human rights, including corporate legal liability related to non-compliance with legislative measures, enforcement trends and litigation involving claims of corporate involvement in human rights abuses. These issues will be examined from a range of regional perspectives. In particular, our panel of in-house experts and external counsel addresses: • emerging sources of BHR legal liability in Europe, Asia, and North America; • trends in government enforcement of BHR regulations; • how companies can be prepared for enforcement authority inquiries regarding BHR compliance; and • how human rights due diligence frameworks aligned with global international standards can support legal risk management and compliance, while preventing and mitigating business impacts on human rights.
Youngah Park | Gonggam Human Rights Law Foundation, Seoul, South Korea |