IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022
30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022
Room 209, Level 2
Session information
SUSTAINABILITY FOCUS: To disclose or not to disclose ESG: are ESG public disclosures even a choice anymore given the prevailing regulatory trends and institutional investors’ demands?
Thursday 3 November (1615 - 1730)
Capital Markets Forum
Securities Law Committee
SustainabilityFocusPressure continues to mount on companies around the world to make Environmental, Social and Governance disclosure. Major institutional investors are taking a principled stand against companies that provide insufficient ESG disclosures and regulators across the globe are increasingly making adequate annual ESG disclosures mandatory. This session will explore emerging trends in ESG disclosure as well as the related risks and opportunities.
SUSTAINABILITY FOCUS sessions marked as such are part of the IBA Annual Conference 2022 sustainability focus on Tuesday and Thursday, grouping sessions discussing different aspects of ESG and sustainability across the different legal fields.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Rabel Akhund | Akhund Forbes, Karachi, Pakistan; Website Officer, Capital Markets Forum |
David Flechner | NextEra Energy, Inc., Juno Beach, Florida, USA |
Alexei Bonamin | TozziniFreire Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil; Senior Vice Chair, Capital Markets Forum |
David Kelly | University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA |
Patrick Schleiffer | Lenz & Staehelin, Zürich, Switzerland; Website Officer, Securities Law Committee |
Zamira Zapata Valdes | Diageo, Miami, Florida, USA |