IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Rooms 230-231, Level 2

Session information

Antitrust drivers in M&A

Wednesday 2 November (1430 - 1545)

Rooms 230-231, Level 2
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Networking hub (Exhibition hall)
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Antitrust Section (Lead)
Latin American Regional Forum


Tougher merger control is a striking trend across the globe, with more deals than ever facing a struggle to achieve clearance on the kind of terms they used to expect, and divergent outcomes across major jurisdictions becoming more common. Enforcers are increasingly suspicious of remedies in the form of behavioural commitments and fragmented divestitures. At the same time pressure is mounting on them to better protect consumers, and also to promote additional societal interests such as furthering sustainability goals. And legislatures are actively granting them new and stronger intervention powers. This panel will focus on strategies to manage the consequent timing and outcome uncertainty for companies in the merger review process, especially in cross-border deals when multiple authorities assess the transaction. 

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Fernando Carreño Nuñez de Alvarez Von Wobeser & Sierra, Mexico City, Mexico; Latin American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Antitrust Section
Catriona Hatton Baker Botts, Brussels, Belgium; Secretary, Antitrust Section


Benedict Bleicher Rio Tinto, London, England; Corporate Counsel Forum Liaison Officer, Antitrust Section
Mike Hollingworth Competition Bureau Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Alastair Mordaunt Freshfields, London, England
Nisha Kaur Uberoi JSA, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India