IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022
30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022
Rooms 230-231, Level 2
Session information
Antitrust and distribution – vertical agreements
Monday 31 October (1615 - 1730)
Antitrust Section
Antitrust distribution rules differ significantly across the globe, so businesses have always had to keep a weather eye on antitrust laws when structuring international distribution networks. Now that many are prioritising building resilience into their supply chains, this has to be an important factor in deciding their strategy. The rules are changing in some important jurisdictions; new EU distribution rules in June included stricter rules for online intermediation services, price parity (MFN) clauses and dual distribution arrangements. UK rules changed at the same time, and differently from in the EU. Asian enforcers are increasingly active in in the digital sphere and beyond, and the US, though generally more relaxed about vertical agreements, has tricky rules around certain issues such as price discrimination. This session will explore how best to meet the significant challenges of factoring all this into distribution system design and ensure compliance across an international network.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Lauren Battaglia | Hogan Lovells International LLP, Washington, District of Columbia, USA |
Petra Linsmeier | Gleiss Lutz, Brussels, Belgium |
Johannes Holzwarth | European Commission, Brussels, Belgium |
Lawrence Silverman | Sidley Austin, Miami, Florida, USA |
Nisha Kaur Uberoi | JSA, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Omar Wakil | Torys LLP, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |