IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Room 353, Level 3

Session information

Where is the IBA heading? What can be seen in IBA diversity data?

Tuesday 31 October (1430 - 1545)

Room 353, Level 3


IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council (Lead)
African Regional Forum
Women Lawyers' Committee


All organisations today are expected by their members to explain how they are doing in terms of diversity. The panel will provide some selected IBA diversity data, which shows that IBA is already doing well in some aspects, but that there is some room for improvement in other areas. The speakers will discuss with each other as well as the audience through Q&A; various practical methods of enhancing diversity they have used within their firms or organizations, effects of using diversity data as a nudging tool to accelerate voluntary efforts for change, tips and taboos when using data especially in terms of privacy and LGBTQ right; what they expect of the IBA from now in diversity and inclusion; and which of the common D&I methods are in name only, and which of them are truly effective, such as target, quota, “comply or explain” rules, policies, training, sharing best practices, mentorship, messages from leaders, or otherwise raising awareness.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Masako Banno Okuno & Partners, Tokyo, Japan; Co-Chair, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council


Jennifer Bishop Aird & Berlis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Senior Vice Chair, Women Lawyers' Committee
Christina Blacklaws The Law Society of England and Wales, London, England; Officer, Bar Issues Commission
Jaime Carey Carey y Cia, Santiago, Chile; IBA Vice President
Lusanda Vuyelwa Raphulu Bowmans, Johannesburg, South Africa
Leonardo Raznovich University of Vienna GAIN - Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities, Marden, England; Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Rule of Law Forum