IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Room 241, Level 2

Session information

Post-acquisition issues for M&A transactions involving closely held companies
Room 241, Level 2


Closely Held Companies Committee (Lead)


An interactive session focused on all those important post-deal issues for closely held businesses, both from the perspective of sellers in anticipating issues and from buyers in achieving value. Topics covered may include:

  • post-deal integration: legal, commercial, operational, planning and implementation;
  • transitional services, assessing the scope, ensuring there is a clear understanding of what is needed, costing and resourcing, pitfalls and risks;
  • incentivising key people, the move from founder to employee, how to keep or indeed transition roles for key people; and
  • remedial actions such as picking up on due diligence action items


Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Richard Spink Burges Salmon, Bristol, England; Conference Coordinator, Closely Held Companies Committee
Cameron Taylor EY Law, Auckland, New Zealand; Asia Pacific Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee


Gualtiero Bazzana Alten SIRT, Paris, France
Meltem Koning Van Doorne, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sandeep Mehta JSA, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Mercedes Rodriguez Giavarini Mitrani Caballero, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Latin American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Renaud Thominette Renault Thominette Vignaud & Reeve, Paris, France