This LPD Showcase session will be divided into two panels:
Panel 1: Fashionably Metaverse, AI and Web3: everything you need to know about the intersection of fashion and technology
Major luxury brands are seeking creative ways to embrace high technology. The Louis Vuitton Group launched Louis, a game, which gave players the opportunity to win historical postcard NFTs. Valentino partnered with UNXO to opening doors to never-before-seen digital and physical hybrid experiences. Together Balmain released a Balmain X Barbie collection bringing the famous dolls to the Metaverse. Many have partnered with Roblox and Fornite to sell digital goods while some have used web3 tools to have virtual concerts and worlds. This session will not only explain and exemplify AI, Web3, Metaverse and other virtual worlds, it will also explore the evolution of technology incorporated in all phases of fashion – from production to consumer sales - whether digitally or in bricks and mortar stores, as well as the promotion, marketing and content creation strategies being utilized by fashion brands.
Panel 2: Fashionably Metaverse, AI and Web3: the future of fashion, retail and technology
Just as styles come and go, so do the tools utilized by fashion brands to sell those clothes. Building on session one, this session will take a look at where fashion is going, so that attendees can be prepared to assist clients with the latest developments in this fascinating and rapidly changing world! The session will also discuss how traditional high-end fashion is embracing high-tech in ways never imagined before. What does the future of shopping look like? We will look further at IP protection strategies and infringements, how they can be litigated, and what jurisdictions and laws apply. Additionally, the session will discuss sourcing challenges in light of ESG (environmental, social and governance) and how tech can aid, as well as slow, fashion trends (including commercial implications and how to maintain customer intimacy online).