IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Session information
BIC Showcase: if the client wants it and it’s legal, what’s the problem?
Wednesday 1 November (1430 - 1730)
Bar Issues Commission
A debate of fundamental importance to the legal profession is emerging about the difference between what some call ‘thick’ and ‘thin’ interpretations of ‘the rule of law’. The thinner approach to the rule of law limits the responsibility of the lawyer to providing the client with what the client wants, provided it’s legal and the lawyer is not aiding or abetting any fraudulent conduct. In the thicker approach to the rule of law the lawyer acts not only as representative of a client, but also considers the public interest in advising the client and in determining whether to represent the client. The debate puts into play competing concepts of ESG (environmental social and governance) issues as part of the overall public debate. The ethical obligations of lawyers remain paramount, but as part of fulfilling those ethical obligations, lawyers are under pressure at both ends of the thick and thin spectrum.
What are the consequences for legal practitioners if compliance with the wishes of the client, and with the law, are no longer the only considerations?
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Ken Murphy | Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland; Chair, Bar Issues Commission |
Sara Carnegie | International Bar Association, London, England; Member, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council |
Patrick Dillen | Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie te Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; Member, Bar Issues Commission Policy Committee |
Hans-Michael Giesen | The German Federal Bar, Berlin, Germany; IBA Council Member, Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer |
Jonathan Goldsmith | European & International Legal Services Consultant, Brussels, Belgium; Member, Bar Issues Commission Policy Committee |
Steven Richman | American Bar Association, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Chair, Bar Issues Commission Policy Committee |
Tshepo Shabangu | Law Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa; Officer, Bar Issues Commission |