IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Room 342 A, Level 3
Session information
Law Firm Management Committee
Pricing legal services – is anybody doing it properly?
This session will be using SLIDO. To participate please go to SLIDO.com and enter the code: 1187748
Clients and law firms talk about pricing all the time but are law firms (and clients) really taking it seriously - both as part of the strategy of a law firm and with a view to having a profitable law firm. Do clients really care how much profit a law firm makes? We all claim to know revenue does not equal profit but does that simple “confusion” flow into most law firms’ approach to pricing – are they pricing for revenue not profit? With a panel of experts we will examine the pricing conundrum from four perspectives.
i) Pricing to win work.
ii) How do we price to reflect efficiency?
iii) Clients say they want to kill the chargeable hour – why haven’t they?
iv) Having agreed a price why do we then ignore budget management?
Having heard from each of our four experts we will then have a lively dialogue, picking up on the points they make and hoping to reach some practical conclusions that are relevant for all law firms.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
David Burgess | The Legal 500, London, England |
Stephen Revell | Making Change Happen , London, England; Co-Chair, Law Firm Management Committee |
Mike Freer | United Kingdom Ministry of Justice, London, England |
Mary Anne Heckbert | Dentons, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Edmund Reed | Travers Smith, London, England |
Kate Romain | Bredin Prat, Paris, France |
Petra Zijp | NautaDutilh, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Future of Legal Services Commission |