Biennial IBA African Regional Forum Conference: future-proofing the African legal profession

13 Sep - 15 Sep 2023

Session information

Breakout session 6: Training the future lawyer: is current legal education provision fit for 21st century purpose?

Friday 15 September (1130 - 1300)


• With regional integration becoming a reality on the continent, how can law schools ensure they are producing lawyers that can operate cross-border?
• Harmonisation/mutual recognition of training standards and curricula – is this the way to go?
• How can legal education provision in Africa innovate to meet the needs of firms and the wider market and economies of the future?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Nankunda Katangaza Hook Tangaza, London, England; Co-Chair, Regional Fora Coordination Committee


Tobenna Erojikwe The Law Crest LLP, Lagos, Nigeria
Mary Mugure Council of Legal Education, Nairobi, Kenya
Ziyanda Ntshona Poswa Inc, Johannesburg, South Africa; Scholarship Officer, African Regional Forum
Emmanuel Sebijjo Ssemmanda International University of East Africa, Kampala, Uganda