6th Annual IBA European Start-up Conference

26 Sep - 27 Sep 2023

Session information

Session eight - Lean documents – a myth, an aspiration or reality?

Wednesday 27 September (1500 - 1530)


This session will report on the work of the Lean Documents Working Group which is focused on finding efficiencies in transactional documentation for European targets/ investee companies.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Marco Rizzi Bratschi AG, Zürich, Switzerland; LPD Council Member


Robrecht Coppens Loyens & Loeff, Brussels, Belgium; Chair, Western Regional Group, European Regional Forum
Emma Dansbo Cirio, Stockholm, Sweden; Chair, Northern Regional Group, European Regional Forum
Pierre-Alexandre Degehet KLEYR GRASSO, Strassen, Luxembourg
Pedro Fernández PEREZ-LLORCA, Madrid, Spain
Ignacio Lacasa Across Legal SLP, Barcelona, Spain
Uri Nesher Pearl Cohen, Tel Aviv, Israel
Jens Wenzel Hengeler Mueller, Berlin, Germany