IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024
15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024
Session information
Financing a clean energy transition: global legal challenges in financing renewable energy projects and other climate actions
Tuesday 17 September (1115 - 1230)
Banking & Financial Law Committee
Climate change requires critical actions in order to transform the world's energy systems, e.g. transitioning to clean energy sources (wind parks, solar panels etc.). Around the world, complex legal questions arise when it comes to financing this transition. The panel will navigate through issues such as how hybrid projects minimise risks, how to early secure land, how to establish pricing models, monitor risk constellations, and the role of IFIs, the EIB and similar bodies, etc.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Tina Herbing | Gorrissen Federspiel, Copenhagen, Denmark; Vice Chair, Alternative Finance Subcommittee |
Olusina Sipasi | AELEX, Lagos, Nigeria; Chair, Finance in Emerging Countries Subcommittee |
Jesus Colunga | Basham Ringe y Correa, Mexico City, Mexico |
Luis Dosal Blanco | BBVA Bank, Mexico City, Mexico |
Diana Ruan Hernandez | International Finance Corporation, Mexico City, Mexico |
Lukasz Szegda | Wardynski & Partners, Warsaw, Poland; Academic Liaison Officer, Banking & Financial Law Committee |