30th Annual International Private Client Tax Conference: transforming (un)expected challenges into opportunities for the next 30 years

2 Mar - 4 Mar 2025

Session information

Challenging tax residency: is there enough substance in your residence?


For many reasons, high net worth clients are deciding to move to other jurisdictions, and in doing so often seek out low tax regimes. As a result, their home countries are likely to challenge the legitimacy of the move, i.e. deem them still to be a tax resident. How best may practitioners prepare our clients to meet, and defeat, such challenges? What are best practices to establish, and defend, a new tax residency? In addressing these questions, we will ask our speakers to discuss current trends and practical lessons learned from cases they have encountered.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Sonia Velasco Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, Spain
Rashad Wareh Kozusko Harris Duncan, New York, New York, USA


Rosanne Bonnici Fenech and Fenech Advocates, Valletta, Malta
Gretel Ciniglio de Perez Fabrega Molino, Panama City, Panama; Young Lawyers' Committee Liaison Officer, Private Client Tax Committee
Marine Dupas Arkwood SCP, Paris, France
Jean-Charles Gardetto Gardetto Law Offices, Monaco, Monaco
Katharina Hemmen POELLATH, Frankfurt, Germany