30th Annual International Private Client Tax Conference: transforming (un)expected challenges into opportunities for the next 30 years
2 Mar - 4 Mar 2025
Session information
Challenging tax residency: is there enough substance in your residence?
Monday 3 March (1130 - 1245)
For many reasons, high net worth clients are deciding to move to other jurisdictions, and in doing so often seek out low tax regimes. As a result, their home countries are likely to challenge the legitimacy of the move, i.e. deem them still to be a tax resident. How best may practitioners prepare our clients to meet, and defeat, such challenges? What are best practices to establish, and defend, a new tax residency? In addressing these questions, we will ask our speakers to discuss current trends and practical lessons learned from cases they have encountered.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Sonia Velasco | Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, Spain |
Rashad Wareh | Kozusko Harris Duncan, New York, New York, USA |
Rosanne Bonnici | Fenech and Fenech Advocates, Valletta, Malta |
Gretel Ciniglio de Perez | Fabrega Molino, Panama City, Panama; Young Lawyers' Committee Liaison Officer, Private Client Tax Committee |
Marine Dupas | Arkwood SCP, Paris, France |
Jean-Charles Gardetto | Gardetto Law Offices, Monaco, Monaco |
Katharina Hemmen | POELLATH, Frankfurt, Germany |