27th Annual Transnational Crime Conference

14 May - 16 May 2025

Session information

Lawyers being prosecuted for being lawyers or, more specifically, for being defence lawyers


Business Crime Committee (Lead)
Criminal Law Committee (Lead)


Defence lawyers play a vital role in the integrity of any functioning criminal justice system. Yet attacks on the work of criminal defence lawyers around the world are increasing. Serving as a criminal defense lawyer has never been popular. As the old joke goes: ‘please don’t tell my mother I’m a criminal defence lawyer; she thinks I play piano in a brothel.’ But now, from legislation curbing the independence of lawyers and eroding the attorney client privilege, to disciplinary proceedings against defense attorneys, to criminal prosecution of defense lawyers for their work on behalf of their clients, being a criminal defence lawyer can be particularly risky. This panel will discuss these trends, attacks on defence lawyers in their jurisdictions and what all of this means for the future of being a criminal defence lawyer and the rule of law generally.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Matt Kaiser Kaiser PLLC, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Co-Chair, Criminal Law Committee
Sabine ten Doesschate Sjöcrona van Stigt, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Co-Chair, Criminal Law Committee


Shaul Brazil BCL Solicitors , London, England; Vice Chair, Criminal Law Committee
Stefanie Schott Kipper Durth Schott Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB, Darmstadt, Germany; Senior Vice Chair, Criminal Law Committee
Juliana Sá de Miranda Miranda Arcentales, São Paulo, Brazil