27th Annual Transnational Crime Conference

14 May - 16 May 2025

Session information

Breakout session two - Lightning bolt cooperation: when cooperation between criminal lawyers is faster and more efficient than mutual legal assistance


Business Crime Committee (Lead)
Criminal Law Committee (Lead)


Mutual legal assistance, where admitted, takes months if not years to be fully, partially or finally not enforced at all. Letters rogatory can be poorly drafted and not reflect the issues at stake. Criminal proceedings are covered by secrecy and the requested elements might only be accessed once the battle is over. In the meantime, frauds are perpetrated at light speed, money flows from one bank to dozens of others and goods are diverted to non-cooperative jurisdictions while individuals and corporations may be investigated for the same facts in several places. With experts from all continents, the panel will discuss the ever-expanding role of criminal lawyers in defending or assisting clients over the world, exchanging information about foreign proceedings in a timely manner, speeding up judicial assistance, initiating local proceedings and seizing stolen assets faster than the enforcement authorities. 

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Kateryna Gupalo Arzinger, Kyiv, Ukraine; Co-Chair, Business Crime Committee
Emmanuel Moyne Bougartchev Moyne Associés, Paris, France; Membership Officer, Criminal Law Committee


Felix Ka-ho Ng Haldanes , Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR; Secretary, Business Crime Committee
Fabyola Rodrigues Demarest Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil; Conference Quality Officer, Criminal Law Committee