19th Annual IBA Competition Mid-Year Conference

12 Jun - 13 Jun 2025

Session information

Session five: Exploitative abuse of dominance and bargaining power


Excessively high prices may be challenged as exploitative abuse of dominance or as ‘price gouging’. For example, Article 102 TFEU prohibits any abuse of a dominant position, including ‘directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions’. In some jurisdictions like Japan or Germany, the abuse of a superior bargaining position is also prohibited.

Despite these rules, agencies were traditionally reluctant to challenge companies’ pricing or trade conditions given the important role that pricing plays in stimulating entry and innovation. However, inflation and high prices as well as unfair trade terms have recently led to more enforcement in this area, especially in the pharmaceutical sector and also in the digital area. The panel will look into the most recent cases and evaluate the challenges that authorities face when enforcing exploitative abuse cases and bargaining power.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Youngjin Jung Kim & Chang, Seoul, South Korea; Webinar Officer, Antitrust Section
Petra Linsmeier Gleiss Lutz, Brussels, Belgium; Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Antitrust Section


Benoit Durand RBB Economics, Brussels, Belgium
Masaki Kakimoto MORI HAMADA & MATSUMOTO, Tokyo, Japan
Hyuna Kim Bae Kim & Lee, Seoul, South Korea
Nick Peristerakis K&L Gates, Brussels, Belgium