19th Annual IBA Competition Mid-Year Conference

12 Jun - 13 Jun 2025

Session information

Session six: Merger control: navigating the evolving regulatory landscape and how geopolitical considerations and new instruments are impacting deals


In recent years, global deals have faced an increased set of regulatory challenges. With recent changes in political leadership around the world in addition to global trade tensions, what impact will this have on enforcement and predictability? And how do companies navigate not only the myriad of national merger control rules, but also other regulatory instruments such as foreign direct investment (FDI) screening? This session will discuss these regulatory challenges and how companies should be addressing them.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Alastair Mordaunt Freshfields, London, England; Secretary, Antitrust Section
Julian Peña Allende & Brea, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Co-Chair, Antitrust Section


Kaoru Hattori Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu, Tokyo, Japan
Gregory McCurdy Sony Interactive Entertainment, San Francisco, California, USA
Kentaro Toda TMI Associates, Tokyo, Japan
Omar Wakil Torys LLP, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Yan Yu RBB Economics, Singapore, Singapore