IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Tribunal de Commerce, 1 quai de la Corse, 75004 Paris
Social event information
Host Committee Reception
Wednesday 1 November (1830 - 2130)
Legal Practice Division
Public and Professional Interest Division
The Host Committee wishes to extend a very special thank you to the Tribunal de Commerce for its gracious hospitality.
The Host Committee also wishes to thank the IBA and the Paris Bar for their support of this event.
The 2023 Paris Host Committee is delighted to invite you to a unique French Wine & Cheese Reception in the heart of the city on the historic Ile de la Cité. Guests will be treated to fine wine from some of France's most famous wine-producing regions.
The event will take place at the Tribunal de Commerce of Paris. Inspired by the Palazzo Della Loggia in Brescia, the Tribunal de Commerce was built between 1860 and 1865. Listed as a historic monument, the magnificent double-revolution Renaissance staircase, ornate 45-meter dome and imposing atrium make it one of the most impressive buildings on the Ile de la Cité.
The Host Committee, which is composed of over 20 prestigious law firms based in the city as well as the Barreau de Paris and the Conseil National des Barreaux, invites you to join us for drinks at this elegant venue where you will be able to network and meet colleagues in a uniquely Parisian setting.
Last but not least, the French Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Mr Eric Dupond-Moretti, will honour us with his presence at this special evening.
Annual Conference delegate badges are required for admittance.
Pre-registration is not required