26th Annual IBA Arbitration Day

3 Apr - 4 Apr 2025

Empire Suite, De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms

Social event information

Mediation Breakfast
Empire Suite, De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms


A Bespoke Approach to Dispute Resolution: Mixed Mode

“Alternative Dispute Resolution” is understood to refer to any dispute resolution mechanism other than litigation in court. Despite the array of processes and approaches, many simply default to mediation and arbitration --and in that order. As the field of dispute resolution matures, disputants and their counsel have grown increasingly comfortable with a broader spectrum of mechanisms and approaches including borrowing dispute system design techniques to personalize the dispute resolution process. This year’s Mediation Breakfast will explore opportunities for counsel to provide their clients with a more personalized- bespoke approach to resolving disputes.


Jalal El Ahdab Bird & Bird LLP, Paris, France; Member, Mediation Committee Advisory Board
James South Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), London, England
Professor Joan Stearns Johnsen University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida, USA; Co-Chair, Mediation Committee
Natascha Tunkel KNOETZL, Vienna, Austria; Vice Chair, Mediation Committee